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Christmas in the Greenhouse

Briefly about saffron

Saffron is genuinely a luxury spice highly valued for its beautiful colour and good taste.

In Sweden, it has become a traditional Christmas spice.

According to Ayurveda, Saffron possesses a Sattvic (pure) qualiility to balance all three doshas and increase peace, love, happiness, devotion, and compassion in an individual. Although its list of health benefits is immense, saffron boosts the mood, heals the nervous system, rejuvenates the tissues, and nourishes the reproductive organs.

Live well and wisely!

– Anna Charlotte



Ingredienser, 1 port

0,5 dl havregryn

1 skivat äpple

1 msk pumpafrön

1 msk kokosflingor

1/2 paket saffran

1 nypa salt

1 dl vatten

1 tsk ghi

1/2 dl mandelmjölk eller rismjölk att servera till gröten.

Skär äpplena i bitar.

Blanda havregryn, äpplen, pumpafrön ev. Kokosflingor, saffran,

och vatten i en kastrull.

Koka gröten under omrörning i ca 3-4 minuter.

Blanda ner ghi och äpplen

Lägg gröten i en skål.

Häll ca 1/2 dl havremjölk eller rismjölk i kastrullen och ljumma på den.

Servera mjölken till gröten.


Saffron Porridge

Ingredients, 1 port

0.5 dl oatmeal

1 sliced ​​apple

1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon coconut flakes

1/2 packet saffron

1 pinch of salt

1 dl water

1 teaspoon coconut oil or (replace with ghi)

1/2 dl almond milk or rice milk to serve with the porridge.

Cut the apples into pieces.

Mix oatmeal, apples, pumpkin seeds, if necessary. Coconut flakes, saffron,

and water in a saucepan.

Boil the porridge while stirring for about 3-4 minutes.

Mixdown the ghi and apples

Place the porridge in a bowl.

Pour about 1/2 dl oat milk or rice milk into the saucepan and lukewarm on it.

Serve the milk with the porridge.




Ca 10 st

2 dl cashewnötter

1 1/2 dl mandelmjöl

1/2 kopp kokosflingor

8 urkärnade dadlar

3 matskedar kokande vatten

1 msk färskpressad citronsaft

0,5 gram saffran

En nypa havssalt

Kokosflingor att rulla bollarna i

Börja med att mala saffran med en nypa havssalt för att få fram smaken. Tillsätt sedan 3 msk kokande vatten och låt saffransvattnet stå tills det har kommit ner i rumstemperatur.

2. Blanda cashewnötterna, dadlarna och mandelmjölet.

3. Tillsätt saffransvattnet och citronsaften och blanda lite till. Rör till sist ner kokosflingorna och blanda med en sked. Degen ska vara ganska kladdig. Annars blir bollarna torra.

4. Forma bollar av degen och rulla dem i kokosflingor.

5. De blir godast om de får stå i kylen en stund innan de avnjuts.


Saffron balls


About 10 pcs

2 dl cashew nuts

1 1/2 dl almond flour

1/2 cup coconut flakes

8 pitted dates

3 tablespoons boiling water

1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

0.5 grams of saffron

A pinch of sea salt

Coconut flakes to roll the balls in

Start by grinding the saffron with a pinch of sea salt to bring out the taste. Then add 3 tablespoons of boiling water and let the saffron water stand until it has come down to room temperature.

2. Mix the cashews, dates, and almond flour.

3. Add the saffron water and lemon juice and mix a little more. Finally, stir in the coconut flakes and mix with a spoon. The dough should be quite sticky.

Otherwise, the balls will be dry.

4. Form balls of the dough and roll them in coconut flakes.

5. They will be best if they are allowed to stand in the fridge for a while

before they are enjoyed.

Anna Charlotte Rosenberg Bosten

Textile Artist, Creative Director, Healer, Author

Lives and works in Paris, Stockholm and the countryside of Västerbotten

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