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Pink Clouds


WOCUNITY is an intuitive based communication platform where you will meet selected artists and creative communicators that represent the free world of creativity to speak and to lecture.

Contemporary art / Design / Photo art / Film  

  • Conscious art, design, photo art and film

  • Holistic lifestyle, conscious interiors

  • Art meets science

Body / Soul / Spirit

  • Ayurveda, food for your senses, colour psychology

  • Self knowledge, meditation, yoga and healing

  • The multidimensional human being, our existence, freedom, clairvoyance



  • Workshops

  • Lectures

  • Exhibitions

Earth is undergoing unprecedented transformations. As such, our planet is moving into higher vibrational frequencies, and all fields of human endeavor, are experiencing a renaissance of the human spirit.This period to come will guide us into a new level of consciousness and awakening. 

–  Anna Charlotte

ANNA CHARLOTTE – Interview – Bastille TV – Wilson Claude BALDA Paris

ANNA CHARLOTTE – Interview – Bastille TV – Wilson Claude BALDA Paris

Wilson Claude BALDA interviewed Anna Charlotte Rosenberg Bosten about her new book, The Word of Colours, at Paris. A clip from the live broadcast “Avant Garde” held on November 19, 2022, in Paris. Below is a brief introduction in French and English from the book The Word of Colours. Dans le livre – The Word of Colours© L'artiste textile et guérisseuse Anna Charlotte Rosenberg Bosten nous emmène dans un voyage perspicace dans le monde des couleurs. Ses choix de vie créatifs et spirituels, ainsi que sa scolarité dans le système de santé indien Ayurveda l'ont intuitivement amenée à une compréhension plus profonde d'elle-même et de notre vie ici sur terre. Elle explique comment – avec une meilleure compréhension de qui nous sommes vraiment – nous pouvons consciemment changer nos vies à l'aide de la couleur. Une richesse naturelle que nous pouvons facilement attribuer à nous-mêmes et à notre environnement. En écoutant plus attentivement notre intuition et notre cœur, nous pouvons commencer à vivre et à communiquer en harmonie avec notre vrai moi – notre essence. Ce beau livre suit les modèles de la vie remplis d'événements inspirants et d'idées réfléchies. Renforcé de manière créative par les images époustouflantes des photographes Richard von Hofsten et Anne Nybleaus, en collaboration avec le sympathique graphiste de livres Ehrling Braghfors. Bienvenue dans The Word of Colours.© ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Word of Colours© – teaser Textile artist and healer Anna Charlotte Rosenberg Bosten takes us on an insightful journey into the world of colours. Her creative and spiritual life choices together with her schooling in the Indian health system Ayurveda intuitively led her to a deeper understanding of both herself and our life here on earth. ​She explains how – with greater insight into who we really are – we can consciously change our lives with the help of colour. A wealth we can effortlessly assign to ourselves and our surroundings. Listening more attentively to our intuition and heart we can begin to live and communicate in harmony with our true self – our essence. ​This beautiful book follows life’s patterns filled with inspirational events and thoughtful insights. Creatively enhanced by the stunning imagery by photographers Richard von Hofsten and Anne Nyblaeus, together in finaly tuned collaboration with the congenial book designer Ehrling Braghfors. Welcome to The Word of Colours © First edition: The Word of Colours, 160 pages, about 140 illustrations. English text.
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