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Some like to call it The WOO

The Ancient Irish monument Newgrange has a special connection to me.

I was not aware of that connection until I met a sister at work after my mysterious meeting in Milan, which I briefly shared in the introduction of my book,

The Word of Colours.

These we call mysterium moments have not become a rare event for me.

Find out that a power or force not possible to see or grasp has been genuinely present in my life. Some like to call it the Woo, magic, your angel's touch, or the hands of God.

After the incident in Milan, I meet a medium in a small town in the South of Sweden. I had made an appointment after a recommendation from a healer friend I had known since the past. For 1/5 hour, She delivered complete guidance of my body, spirit, and soul past existence and awaited events in this life.

I always knew that I had a sensitive radar myself, a good gut feeling intuition, and just knowing.

But during this period, from April 2003 - May 2004, my life changed into something I would never have imagined.

I was unfolding my true self.

What was fascinating was removing old layers of fog during that year, and my inner knowing was thriving.

Newgrange and my connection

During the session in Ängelholm, I was blown away by the information. Many places in the world specified as gems for my life journey, and today most have come to happen. Newgrange was one which I never heard about. an monument in Ireland built 5000 years ago. According to her guidance, I was present during construction in one of my incarnations. As a cosmic architect, my role was working with matter, light, and frequencies.

Dublin 2010

The years passed, and at the end of October 2010, I decided to go with my family on an autumn weekend holiday to Ireland. I wanted to visit Newgrange, so I connected a renting agency for bed and breakfast. There was difficult because of the end of the season, and most country houses were closed for renting.

But I was recommended to contact one that possible was available for rent. I phoned the lady, and yes, she had this last weekend free for guests, so I booked two rooms.

Finally we arrived in Dublin, stayed for one night in the town, and the first morning we went picked out a renting car and drove the county roads to our bed and breakfast. An old farm welcomed us with a cozy fire lighting up in the main room. We left our luggage, and the kids just loved the history moods. My youngest son was amazed by the staring portraits in the stairway – mother. I am in a movie.

After a three dishes homemade dinner, we enjoyed the evening before bedtime and just sat relaxed by the fire.

A Magic moment

Early morning, the cold room woke me up. I put my clothes on and drew the heavy curtains away to invite the light of a new day – and presented on the scene in front of me.

The magnific Newgrange was in the focus of my eyes.

I was stunned. I didn't know it was like that close to the house nobody had told me, and it was dark when we arrived.

Once again, I was in the light of the magic of life in a moment.

Live well and wisely!

– Anna Charlotte

Some facts about Newgrange

Winter Solstice

Newgrange is best known for illuminating its passage and chamber by the winter solstice sun. Above the entrance to the passage at Newgrange, there is a roof-box opening. This baffling orifice held a great surprise for those who unearthed it. Its purpose is to allow sunlight to penetrate the chamber on the shortest days of the year, around December 21st, the winter solstice. At dawn, from December 19th to 23rd, a narrow beam of light penetrates the roof-box and reaches the floor of the chamber, gradually extending to the rear of the chamber.

As the sun rises higher, the beam widens within the chamber to dramatically illuminate the whole room. This event lasts for 17 minutes, beginning around 9 am. The accuracy of Newgrange as a time-telling device is remarkable when one considers that it was built 500 years before the Great Pyramids and more than 1,000 years before Stonehenge.

Anna Charlotte Rosenberg Bosten

Textile Artist, Creative Director, Healer, Author

Lives and works in Paris, Stockholm and the countryside of Västerbotten

Intro photo: Richard von Hofsten –

Graphic work Ehrling Braghfors

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